Positive Birth Photography, at its heart, is a tangible memento of a whirlwind of work and emotion
It is a visual record of one of the biggest life events any of us go through. In essence, I come to you during labour and birth and take beautiful photos for you to look back on for years and decades to come.
Why Birth Photography?
Until the birth of Earthside the Elder, I had an average interest in birth. I knew that something relatively big had to come out of something relatively small and past what you see in the movies not much else! Then Earthside the Elder was born and I was blown away by the power and strength of my body.
My memories, unfortunately were a bit hazy. It came to my attention afterwards that Mr. Earthside's memories of the event were somewhat different and more detailed than mine. This made me sad. My body had done this incredible thing and yet, my memory was fuzzy at best and simply non existent in places.
This is when I discovered the beauty of birth photography!
Here was this beautiful, tangible way to to celebrate and remember this incredible life event, especially when the days of being a new parent get hard and tiring!
How Birth Photography Works.
Birthing is one of those magical times that the body needs to feel truly safe and loved to work properly. Anything less and it's fight/flight/freeze instincts are activated and things can go awry. To this end, it is important for my clients and I to meet ahead of time to make sure they are comfortable. Knowing me and how I work is important.
I suggest that initially we meet in a neutral place like a coffee shop (everyone feels more comfortable with cake!). This is pretty much a getting to know each other session to make sure we are a good fit.
I then suggest a meeting at home, this may be where you are planning to give birth and as a photographer it is lovely to see where I'll be working ahead of time. However, if you are planning a hospital birth this is still really helpful as it gives me further insight in to what makes you feel comfortable.
Birth Photography : The Main Event.
Once we have met and decided we are a good fit, I then take a note of your due date. As I have written about before, babies rarely actually arrive on their due dates so I actually go on call 2 weeks before this date and stay on call until the main event or 2 weeks after your due date. This means that any time of the day or night, all week through, I will come to you when you call.
Once I receive that call, I will wing my way to you, camera in hand, and take as many wonderful pictures as I can. I do this as unobtrusively as possible. Not disturbing your birthing zone in any way. I will stay as long as you want me to and get photos of the entire process including at least the first feed and the entire golden hour.
Birth Photography: In Your Hand.
While you spend the next few weeks bonding and learning to love your new family, I will work on editing your photos. I will edit them and then present them to you either in person in the comfort of your own home or via on online gallery. Your initial package will include a gallery of around 10 digital images. You can then choose to purchase more in further packages. You need only buy the ones you really love! Further to this bespoke books can also be made.
Get In Touch
It'd be great to hear from you and have a chat about a photo shoot. Please call or email or use the contact form to send a message.
(+44) 0758 4307 918