The moment you become a parent is one of beauty and mystery and wonder. And it happens in a myriad of different ways from unmedicated home birth to birth via a surrogate. And they are all beautiful. Birth photography is a wonderful way to celebrate all the beauty and variety in birth.
Here we look at some of what we think are the most beautiful photos capturing the moment everything changes.

There are moments in labour when things can feel overwhelming. Where we need to lean on each other for comfort and support when things get tired. This photo really conveys the incredible support a birthing partner can give.

The moment a sibling meet your long awaited new arrival is one that many parents really look forward to. Seeing the look of wonder in the eyes of your older children can be truly magical. original can be found here.
Throughout pregnancy one organ provides all the hormonal and nutritional needs between you and your baby; your placenta. This wonderful, underrated organ deserves our recognition and that starts by not being afraid to see it. Here is a good place to start.

There is often talk of what you are ‘allowed’ to do during labour, especially in hospital. However in reality the choice is always with you and what feels best for you. This photo shows beautifully how you can remain active and upright during labour.

There are many variations on a normal birth. Breech position is another variation of normal which is less common than head first presentation but no less beautiful.

Twins are another variation on normal birth. And what an incredible addition to the family!

There are so many emotions flying around during labour and birth. Some big and some scary. And some funny! The amount of women who we hear laughing because their waters eventually broke and ended up covering their care giver. The moment can beautiful too.

And last but not least…
Of course as a photgrapher, every moment that we get to capture is magical, especially as those moments, for us at Earthside are moments that change peoples lives completely. That fresh start, we think, is captured wonderfully by the beauty of newborn, vernix covered toes!
Do you have a treasured photo that captures your first moments of parenthood? We’d love to see them!
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