How a person gets to their chosen birth scenario is a very personal journey and ultimately should be about how comfortable and safe they feel.
Did you know that the the 2015-2016 NHS statistics put the cesarean birth rate in theUK at 27.1%? An increase from 24.1% in a 10 year period.
And yet, we see and hear very little about these births.
We understand that a lot of these births happen in traumatising emergency situations and parents may not wish to discuss the details. However, around 10% of these are elective surgeries, according to the National Childbirth Trust. Yet, we still hear very little about these births.
And no matter what people may say they ARE births.
And they are important.
They happen for a huge variety of reasons. Maternal health concerns, foetal health concerns, past maternal trauma, maternal mental health, birth of multiples and a infinite range of other reasons.
This is where Earthside comes in.
We want to hear and learn about these stories. These births. We want to document the moment your journey begins, no matter how it begins.
So, we are asking for help.
We want to begin a bit of a project to help bring these stories to peoples attention.
Are you planning an elective cesarean birth? Would you be interested in a lasting keepsake of the moments your child or children come earthside?
We are offering a discounted rate on our services for cesarean births.
Please comment, message us on Facebook or email us if you think you might interested in further details.
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